Monday, December 7, 2009

Lions and Debit Cards and Finals

Oh my.

Actually, the debit card story comes first, chronologically, but then I wouldn't have had the awesome Wizard of Oz reference. Friday I went to the ATM to get some cash, and when I went to get gas later that day I discovered that I had left my debit card in the ATM. Mentally sputtering a variety of Mormon expletives, I realized that I wouldn't be able to search for the card until later, having made a previous engagement to pick up my dear friend Amanda to see "A Christmas Story" at the Dansante (which, PS, was awesome!). After the movie I commenced in my search for the missing card. First, fretting over my near-empty gas tank, I was obliged to borrow my mother's credit card to get some gas. Then I drove to the ATM to discover my transaction receipt on the ground, which, I was sure, meant someone had driven off with my card and was at that moment making dozens of fraudulent purchases. I went to nearby businesses, looking for my card in case some honest and kind soul had turned it in, but to no avail. I tried to call an 800 number that I found on the website, but it asked for some phone code, which I didn't have. After a stressful night, the ending is somewhat anti-climactic. As it turns out, an ATM will destroy all cards that are not pulled out of the machine, so all I have to do is order a new card...

Story 2: Saturday morning, my mom texted me to inform me of a recorded message from 911 dispatch, saying that there had been several reports of a mountain lion in our area. Those of you who know where I live know that this is a near impossibility, so you understand my surprise and concern - especially where my dog is concerned. Anyway, we finally figured that we got the call because we used to live on the Island, much closer to the mountains, and have the same number, but it was very confusing for a few hours.

Finally, finals. I can't believe that the semester is actually over. I took my history final this morning and wrote a lovely essay about the Crusades that I feel will give me a good grade. I also need to run my Dreamweaver project up today, and then I have an online final, a final on Wednesday, and a paper revision for the same class as the Wednesday final. Then I am free! From school anyway, and I can enjoy almost a month of Christmas vacation. Awesome.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Michelle,
You've had intense weekend haven't you? Glad to hear you have made it out alive, unscathed. I just wanted to say hi. I am going to miss our Tuesday Scotsmen days... Sad. :( Hopefully we can hang out sometime.
