Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Wrong One, Wrong One!

I like a guy. I'll admit it. The problem is that I'm really shy and get frustrated really easily that nothing ever happens with this certain someone, which is ridiculous because it's not like he is supposed to know that I like him and that he should pay attention to me. Really, my frustration is my own fault because I won't do anything myself. Anyway, I've noticed this sad trend in which I happen to run into this fellow's friends and/or relatives and have lovely conversations with these guys, at which point I feel the need to text someone, crying out "Wrong One, Wrong One!" (This is the part where I wish that guys were just a teeny bit like girls, and would have a discussion that would go along the lines of "I talked to Michelle for a while. She's pretty awesome and I'm pretty sure that you should ask her out". Alas, guys are NOT like girls, or so I have been told ;) ) These sad texts inevitably bring about the dreaded phrase, "you should go for him". This has always puzzled me because I feel that by using this phrase, I am being told to spontaneously create feelings for someone and, as much as I love my dear friends who make this suggestion, it just doesn't seem likely to occur.
Hearing "you should go for him" always brings a chuckle to my throat because I suddenly feel like I'm on the hunt, like going for an elk or a moose. A friend telling you to "go for" someone is like them issuing you a man-tag. Here is your opportunity, go for that man. Luckily, it's man season year-round, so if you don't get one during the month of October, you don't have to throw away your man-tag, unused and wasted.
On the other hand, maybe "going for" a man in like running for an office. Just as I could "go for" class president, I could try to get myself elected as a girlfriend in the primaries, and as a wife in the final election. The electoral college consists of the guy and any surrounding friends and family (with his mother most likely holding a position of "super delegate"). No doubt all of the dirt in my background will be dug up, but I don't think it will matter much if I use my campaign funds on my wardrobe ;)


Etts a Beautiful Life said...

All I can say is that the second I stopped looking for the perfect person to marry and decided to make myself a perfect person for someone else to marry, I met Brett. I had forgotten about guys and started working on my own flaws and then it just kind of happened without me noticing. Don't know if you are looking for advice, but that's how it happened to me.

Michelle said...

I was pretty much just rambling and making up metaphors, but advice is always welcome :) Thanks Collette!

Alison said...

Oh Michelle! I love your metaphors and writing (and your playlist)! I'll second your friend Collette because that's how I found Eric, too. Sometimes, when you just reduce fretting and look inward (and upward) things fall into your lap. Prepare your nest and a male bird will come along, liking the looks of it, and want to come join you in the flight of life. (Okay, my metaphors suck, but I'm gonna leave it for the heck of it cuz yeah...) Keep on smiling, chica!

Anonymous said...

I love your metaphors :) (I think I know what that word means :) So this guy you like, have you said "Hi" to him? I know it's way scary to talk to someone you like, but I always thought it wasn't too hard to say Hi and smile :) Just don't trip on a crack after that or run into a pole!! jk

Michelle said...

Thanks, guys! You're all awesome. I really didn't mean to sound crazy and such, but I'm glad for the advice.

Jenny- I'll be sure to look out for those poles :)

Anonymous said...

I totally love the metaphors you look. Unfortunately I don't have good advice. All I can do is keep trying to encourage you to venture outside that comfort zone. It's hard and scary but it can also be very empowering. Even if I have no man to show for it, it's still something I never thought I'd do. Just keep pushing onward. Eventually one stupid boy will see the light. :)