Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Moving On Up - Part One

As my Facebook friends know, I accepted an offer for a new job yesterday. Many of you may also know that I've been job hunting for a very, very long time. As a result, I've had a bit of trouble convincing myself that it's actually happened.

When you've wanted something for so long and keep getting turned down, you tend to keep yourself from getting your hopes up so the disappointment will be less upsetting. Now that it's actually happening, it just seems so surreal. I have moments where I'm so excited, thinking about finally having Sundays off and not having to work another retail Christmas, and getting to wear heels to work since I won't be on my feet for six-eight hours! These moments come and I get all giggly and it seems so real and my future seems so full of possibilities. 

On the flip side, though, I keep having all these moments where I find myself wondering if it was just a dream. Did I really get that job offer or have I just imagined it? I actually found myself slightly afraid to put in my two weeks' notice at my current job, wondering to myself if I would show up for the first day at my new job to find out that they hadn't actually hired me, forcing me to crawl back and ask for my job back. More likely I'd just have to job search even harder...and deal with the humiliation of having to write things like "extremely convincing dream" for my reason for leaving my last job...

The good news is that I do have a new job, despite my craziness. I have record of the call on my phone :)


Shella's Ramblings said...

Congrats! I'm sure Logan JCPenney will miss you dearly!

Etts a Beautiful Life said...

I think I understand what you are talking about and I think it is pretty common for people to feel this way about a big change. When I was pregnant with Juliette I absolutely refused to buy anything until she was born because I was convinced that as soon as I started buying items she would somehow die or cease to exist and I'd be stuck with a bunch of random baby stuff.

Lydia said...

I'm so happy for you about the job! How's it going?

I also totally understand what you mean about wondering if it's a dream. Even though I won't need them I'm afraid to turn down the federal loans I qualified for. I'm not entirely convinced I actually have school paid for! Ha ha ha.

Michelle said...

Thanks, ladies. Lydia - the job is going really well. It's pretty much a million times better than JCP.